Student/Parent Handbook
The Student/Parent Handbook is a valuable resource providing essential guidelines and expectations for students and parents at Sonora Elementary School District. It covers essential topics like behavior, dress code, bus rules, and attendance, ensuring a safe and successful learning environment.
Creating a Positive Learning Environment
At Sonora Elementary, we believe education goes beyond academics and encompasses the development of good character and positive values. Our focus is on creating a campus culture where students learn to respect themselves, their peers, and their leaders. To support this goal, we have established clear guidelines for behavior and communication, ensuring that all students stay on track for success.
Our comprehensive Student Parent Handbook serves as a valuable resource for understanding the procedures and expectations at Sonora Elementary. We strongly encourage parents to familiarize themselves with its content and actively engage in their child’s education. In this article, we highlight the most relevant sections to fostering success within our school community.
Sections Covered in the Student Parent Handbook:
- Student Behavior and Safety Discover our commitment to providing a safe and respectful learning environment where students are expected to demonstrate responsible and respectful behavior. Learn about the importance of maintaining order in the classroom and every staff member’s role in upholding these standards.
- Dress Code Policy Find out about our dress code requirements, designed to ensure that student attire and grooming do not pose risks to health or safety or distract from the educational environment. Discover what clothing and accessories are prohibited and the expectations for appropriate attire.
- Bus Rules and Regulations Learn about our bus transportation services and the expectations for behavior while riding the school bus. Understand the authority of bus drivers, behavior expectations for students, and the consequences for inappropriate bus behavior. Find out how to request temporary or permanent changes to your child’s bus stop.
By familiarizing yourself with these guidelines, you are setting the stage for a successful educational experience for your child. At Sonora Elementary, we believe that when students feel safe, respected, and supported, they are better equipped to excel academically and personally.
Student Behavior & Safety
Dress Code
Bus Rules
Student Behavior & Safety
The Sonora School staff believes that each student has the right to an education in an atmosphere conducive to learning, with mutual respect for each other and free from the threat of physical or verbal abuse. Therefore, we expect all students to be safe, responsible, and respectful. Maintaining a safe school environment requires that all students use good judgment and display appropriate behavior. All students are expected to follow the rules for each classroom as described by the teacher. Children learn better in a classroom where rules of order are understood and supported by parents, staff, and students. All students have the right to learn, and teachers will not tolerate interference that disrupts their classrooms. It is important for students to know and understand that every adult that works at Sonora School has the authority to monitor student behavior.
Students are encouraged to report anything they see or hear about that might be suspicious or dangerous to a teacher or other staff member. Any staff member that receives such a report will quickly take appropriate action, and the student’s identity will remain confidential.
School Rules
You have a right to review school and district rules regarding student discipline. If you wish to do so, please get in touch with the school office. [EC 35291, 48980, 51101]
All students are expected to:
- Once a student arrives on campus, keep personal cell phones turned off and securely stored in the student’s backpack until the end of the school day.
- Leave personal belongings that are inappropriate for school at home [i.e., electronic devices such as i-pods, mp3 players, portable Bluetooth speakers, toys, playing cards, large amounts of money, expensive items, water guns, etc.]
- Remain on campus during school hours.
- Leave school immediately after the school day ends.
- Keep their hands to themselves.
- Not sell anything on campus.
- Use appropriate language and actions at all times.
- Not engage in rough playing or fighting.
- Use swings and playground equipment properly. Do not climb or “bail out” of the swings.
- Refrain from picking up or throwing bark, rocks, sticks, or other harmful objects.
- Keep school grounds free of litter.
- Stay on established walkways. Do not jump over railings or fences.
- Obtain a pass from a teacher before going to the office.
- Request permission to use a phone in the School Office.
- Refrain from all public displays of affection (PDA), or being overly affectionate or intimate, while on campus or while attending and/or participating in a school-related activity.
- Refrain from cheating, plagiarism, or submitting a misrepresentation of their own thoughts, ideas and knowledge.
- No bicycle, skateboard, or skate on school property.
- Not bring a baseball bat to school.
- Not bring an energy drink to school.
- Not have gum at school.
- Proceed safely by not running through a crowded walkway or hallway.
Positive Rewards
Sonora School believes in encouragement, incentives, and rewards for academic and personal achievement. Recognition of excellence is done in classrooms, assemblies, and award ceremonies. Examples of an award may include a Brilliant Bobcat Pass, T-shirts, certificates, food, pictures, smiles, words, and a pat on the back. Students receive certificates for academic excellence, attendance, kindness, effort, and good citizenship. The following are some examples of recognition for positive behavior:
- Brilliant Bobcat Passes
- Golden Paws
- Phone calls to parents
- Positive notes home
- Classroom recognition celebrations
- Teacher recognition
- Class Assemblies
- Student of the Month Recognition
- Bobcat Spirit Points
- Honor Roll and attendance certificates.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is to provide a mutual understanding of conduct expectations while on school property, at school-sponsored events, and when interacting with District employees and/or students. In order to create an optimal environment for student learning, Sonora Elementary School requests all members of the community adhere to these guidelines.
- Value and advocate for your school and its reputation; be mindful of the hurt and damage social media may cause to faculty members and other parents
- Demonstrate that all members of the school community should be treated with respect and therefore set a good example in speech and behavior.
- Follow the correct procedures to resolve a conflict or make a complaint:
- Speak to the appropriate school person involved first and try to resolve the concern with mutual respect and clear communication.
- If, for some reason, this is not possible, then contact or make an appointment with an administrator or other designated leadership personnel.
- The administrator (or designee) should attempt to mediate and find a resolution in the presence of both parties.
- If having followed steps 1-3 with no satisfaction, you may complete the school’s Complaint Procedure form found in the district office.
Behavior that will not be tolerated:
- Disruptive behavior which interferes or threatens to interfere with any of the school’s normal operations or activities anywhere on the school premises
- Using loud, offensive, or profane language or displaying a temper
- Threatening to do bodily harm to a member of the school staff, fellow parent, or student
- The use of physical aggression towards another adult or child
- Damaging or destroying school property
- Abusive or threatening e-mails, text/voice mail messages, or other written communication
- Defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/ parents/staff at the school on Facebook or other social sites
Dress Code Policy
Student attire and grooming must permit the student to participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or school district personnel or distracts from the educational environment.
- Attire and grooming depicting or advocating violence, weapons, criminal activity, gang-related activity, use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, pornography, foul language, hate speech, or clothing that could be considered dangerous or used as a weapon is prohibited.
- Clothing must cover all undergarments. No underwear or undergarments may be visible at any time. Clothing may not be see-through.
- When the body is standing straight, clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities. Tops must have a strap, and at no time may any part of a student’s buttocks be exposed.
- Open-toed shoes, slippers, clogs, sandals, and ‘flip-flops’ are allowed at school but are not appropriate for multiple school activities. If a child wears these shoes to school, they will not be allowed to play on the play structures with bark/wood chips on the ground. In addition, these shoes are not appropriate for Physical Education (P.E.) class, and the students shall not run in these shoes.
- Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities, including physical education, science labs, field trips, and other activities. No hats or hoods shall be worn in class. Bare feet are not permitted at any time.
It is the responsibility of the administration to determine the appropriateness of a student’s apparel. Students deemed to violate the dress code will be sent to the office. An attempt will be made to contact the home for a change of garments. If the parents cannot be reached, the student may be asked to reverse the garments or select a shirt from those kept on hand in the office. In cases of questionable dress and grooming not covered by the guidelines, the site administrator will determine the appropriateness and make the final decision. [BP/AR 5132 November/June 2019; EC 212.1, 220, 35183, 35183.5, 48907, 49066]